2016 Outstanding Alumnus Award Winner
David K. Solomon, PharmD, FASHP, is a tenured professor of Clinical Pharmacy (Health Outcomes and Policy Research) at the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy. For twenty years, he also served as Associate Dean for VA and Hospital Affairs and Chief of Pharmacy Services at the VA Medical Center in Memphis.
He graduated from the University of Tennessee with a bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy (1969) and Doctor of Pharmacy degree (1970). At the University of Tennessee, he also holds an appointment in the College of Graduate Health Sciences. He is the Director of the Health Systems Pharmacy Management Graduate M.Sc. Program at UT. He is past co-director of the Executive Pharmacy MBA program, an online professional MBA with a concentration in Health System Pharmacy programs in collaboration with the College of Business and Economics at the University of Memphis. In addition to his current appointments at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Solomon has held academic affiliations and faculty appointments at the University of Kentucky, West Virginia University, the University of Maryland, Medical College of Virginia, and Wayne State University (tenured faculty).
Dr. Solomon has trained 150 postdoctoral pharmacy residents and directed 45 M.Sc. and 2 Ph.D. graduate students. Dr. Solomon has 65 publications including peer reviewed journal articles and textbook chapters. He serves as a manuscript reviewer for American Journal of Health Systems Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy. He has served on the journal editorial boards of Pharmacy Practice Management Quarterly, Hospital Pharmacy, and Veterans Health System Journal.
Dr. Solomon’s teaching, research, scholarly, and practice interests include: safe patient medication use and delivery systems; innovative pharmacist practice and leadership models; patient outcomes with chronic· drug therapy; evaluation of pharmacy data and computerized patient record systems; and, inter-professional patient care.
He has received several awards and honors and was elected to Fellow status in The American Society of Health System Pharmacists in 1995. He has served in leadership positions in professional pharmacy associations at the local, state, and national levels and is a former member of the ASHP Commission on Credentialing which is responsible for the accreditation of all national pharmacy PGY1 and PGY2 postdoctoral pharmacy residency programs. Also, Dr. Solomon has extensive practice, academic, research, and leadership experiences in rural (Appalachian Regional Hospital System, 9 years), urban (Detroit Medical Center, 12 years), and governmental health care (VA Healthcare System, 20 years) facilities and has considerable international pharmacy consulting experience.
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